Vision = Focus

Ibe Kingsley
2 min readJun 25, 2018


I rarely attend networking events, tech events or anyother. but when i heard of the TechFest being organised by Diamond bank, I knew i had to attend this one.

I had one mission only — to meet Uzoma Dozie, CEO diamond bank.

At exactly 8am i was at the venue. i didnt bother to sit. I didn’t come to sit.

I stalked him all day (No Shame)

In this country, sometimes to get things done, you need to put aside being gentle and summon your inner YabaLeft patient — sometimes, just sometimes, you need to lose your home training to get shit done!

After all, even the good book says that the violent taketh it by force.

The opportunity arrived. it was a split sec and i swooped in and quickly introduced myself, what OyaPay was about and what we were looking for and how it benefits Diamond bank.

I wasn’t sure if i made the right impression as i had to rush my words in 30secs or less but he was kind enough to give me his card for a followup. There were more suited guys that needed his attention.

…but before i let go, i made sure i scored one. A simple picture will not hurt anyone :). My camera was already on standby.

Uzoma Dozie, CEO Diamond Bank

I didn’t bother going for Day 2 of the event. I had gotten what I wanted.

I sent a followup mail that Friday, no reply. I did a repeat on Monday the following week. Few hours later he acknowledged the mail followed by a call inviting us for a Demo.

…and from there it has been a smooth ride.

I tell this story because i see a lot of entrepreneurs attending tech events and hangouts without a clear cut purpose.

It is not just OK to attend any event for the sole purpose of networking. do it with a set objective, a focus, a goal.

Know who will be attending and figure out how they fit into your overall vision. Don’t just attend, have a purpose and stay focused.

